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Coffee & Connect ~ San Diego Region (but all invited)

Join us for a quick 30-minute Zoom to touch base and say hello!

Thursday, July 7, 2022
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (PDT)

* Registration open until 7/7/22 at 12:00 AM (PST)

Event Details

Come together with the CalSAE San Diego Regional Community 
to catch up, check in, and stay connected!

Take a coffee break and join us for a quick 30-minute virtual get-together to touch base and say hello! Chat with your fellow San Diego association community about new ideas, challenges, upcoming events, and more!

Brought to You by the CalSAE San Diego Regional Council, lead by Scott Oser, San Diego Regional Council Co-Chair.

Members from all regions are welcome.

Cancellation: Please email Heidi Ursino if you have registered but are now unable to attend this virutal event.

For More Information:

Scott Oser
Scott Oser
MBA President Scott Oser Associates (301)279-0468